My call signs

VK6NX is my only active call sign at this stage.

DXpedition station setup

Primary tranceiver is SunSDR2 DX, SunSDR2 is a backup.

Primary PA is home brew 400W PA based on EB-104.

Field antennas: AV-640, homebrew vertical dipole (changeable monoband 40-30-20-17-15-10), 4 Square for 20m and 40m, Stealth 9310.

Remote ATU and Log are home brew projects, details can be seen on Projects page

General contacts

For all questions, and requests, including upcoming events, suggestions, QSL related requests, etc., please use email composed as

OLD call signs:

VK6NAX expired in October 2016, I am still continue to answer to QSL requests related to VK6NAX/P IOTA activities.

My other ex-call signs - VK3NUT and VK3FPIL - are now inactive. There were no IOTA activity on those call signs.